Hi, I am Martynas.
Current status: having fun with Cilium, pwru, Linux kernel and Swiss outdoors.
2017/04: instead of mowing my lawn, I spend most of my time
climbing mountains and (part-time) maintaining Weave Net.
Me elsewhere:
* Github
* Mastodon
* Climbing blog
* Mixcloud
* Music discoveries
You can reach me via m@lambda.lt (PGP key: 5385 B938 B74F 0D71 / 26E3 A522 51B3 4AD1 C2CD E5CB 5385 B938 B74F 0D71)
Technical writings:
* [2018-08-16] Racy conntrack and DNS lookup timeouts
* [2018-03-08] Linux Namespaces and Go Started to Mix
* [2017-05-30] Linux Namespaces And Go Don't Mix
* [2017-02-16] Fast Datapath Encryption in Weave Net
* [2015-10-07] Message Passing for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (Go on Barrelfish)
* [2014-09-15] A Task Parallel Run-Time System for the Barrelfish OS
* [2014-05-24] Area41 CTF Writeup
Selected talks:
* [2022-09-28] Troubleshooting and healing networks with eBPF, eBPF Summit 2022
* [2021-10-15] Beyond printf and tcpdump: Debugging Kubernetes Networking with eBPF, KubeCon North America 2021
* [2019-11-20] Liberating Kubernetes From Kube-proxy and Iptables, KubeCon North America 2019
(slides, recording)
* [2019-09-10] Making the Kubernetes Service Abstraction Scale using eBPF, Linux Plumbers Conference 2019
(slides, recording)
* [2016-11-08] OVS for Containers with Weave Net, Open vSwitch 2016 Fall Conference
(slides, recording)